Bilal and Moses

BBI Stories: Meet Bilal

Bilal, a resident of Ward 8, was familiar with Bright Beginnings but wasn’t fully aware of it’s offerings. Upon discovering the educational programs for children and comprehensive family services, particularly the Fatherhood Program, Bilal recognized BBI as the perfect fit for his family.

Since becoming part of the Bright Beginnings community, both Bilal and his sons, Moses and Aaron, have thrived tremendously. He's taken an active role at BBI, serving as a canvassing intern, spreading awareness about BBI's services in DC's Wards 7 and 8. Additionally, Bilal contributes to event logistics in the facilities department and involves his sons in volunteer activities, like planting trees at BBI.

When asked how Moses feels about BBI, Bilal excitedly shares, “He wakes up every day, his eyes get so big, and he asks, Are we going to BBI today? His social and emotional development is improving. He’s learning and following instructions well. And he loves to come home and teach his younger brother what he learned in school that day.”

Aaron's growth hasn't gone unnoticed either. Initially reserved, he's transformed into an active participant in class, earning praise from his teacher, Ms. Sheryl. “Aaron came to BBI pretty withdrawn, not talking very much. He is now the class helper! He’s very talkative and expressive, and is a very independent child.” she shares.

The Fatherhood Program holds a special place for Bilal, sparking personal growth and providing structure. Reflecting on its impact, he shares, “My personal growth, and structure. I wake up with energy every day and my boys and I have a place to go. I drop Moses and Aaron off and then I go to work. It’s a standard that has helped all of us.”